The Swiss Blockchain Winter School, Feb 2019

This event is the follow-up to the highly successful Swiss Blockchain Summer School 2017 and an IACR Cryptology School.

by Susann Arreghini
The Swiss Blockchain Winter School

The Swiss Blockchain Winter School aims to bring together students (Bachelor, Master, PhD), academic researchers, industry professionals, and government employees for an in-depth exchange on the latest trends and developments around cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and decentralized applications.

The school takes place at the Interlaken Congress Center, Switzerland, on February 10th to 14th , 2019, and is jointly organized by EPFL, ETHZ, and The Initiative for CryptoCurrencies & Contracts (IC3).

The school is furthermore co-located with the IC3 Winter Retreat on February 14th and 15th , 2019.

Find full information and registration at external pageThe Swiss Blockchain Winter School website.

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